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Tuesday, November 07, 2006 

popcorn stats

Filed in the better late than never category...

Yeah, Abbott wrote about this back in July of 2005 but i like to think of the Popcorn Machine as boxscores 2.0 with much more detailed information:

Think of the "gameflow" as a chart showing you which lineup is together at what time of the game, their production while on the floor with + / - values accorded to their contributions as a unit and as individuals.

The boxscores are even more detailed than your basic run of the mill boxscores available at or Yahoo or CBS Sportsline etc...The Popcorn Machine's boxscores are broken down into "stints" (the player's shifts in the game) allowing for an even deeper analysis.


Now if we could get these stats "live" along with a shot chart, add a highlight reel every now and then with some live sound from the arena and you could almost kiss the commentators goodbye.

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