the sweet taste of crunchy candy like the topping of doughnuts, Shoals'---MY FAITH IS IN THE SPECTRE as he praises the minute flashes of brilliance that Gerald Wallace and J.R. Smith have sprinkled (small market sprinkles) upon us bloggers AkA "the honorable fanatics" as major sleepers for this coming season at the always pleasantly poetic McSweeney's and their exclusive non-linkage policy (hmmmm...i'll share anyways) not resorting to a list (SLAM's milking it for all its worth) yet surprisingly may be turning this into an intriguing OPEN SOURCE LIST of "the 50 guys we think have the most value to their teams (its fifty remember thats at least one per team and then some)
But i would suggest to include JOSH SMITH even GARBAJOSA among the inopportune glimpses refining yet even further the concept, the entity that has become FREE DARKO by definition, yes by "harboring a nebulous cult figure" they have defined in essence their contribution to the NBA blogosphere while bitchlsapping other lamers and wannabes___myself included
"Here, though, jocking an athlete isn't a matter
of being well-informed enough to find diamonds
in the rough or to applaud the everyman;
it's about being able to build little,
personal myths when mystery offers up an opening,
and knowing you're a better fan for having done so"
of being well-informed enough to find diamonds
in the rough or to applaud the everyman;
it's about being able to build little,
personal myths when mystery offers up an opening,
and knowing you're a better fan for having done so"
Rest now Ol' timber and listen for the ring of Kobe and Kwame
for now its posters
brought to you courtesy of The MARS VOLTA - Amputechture & JDilla's - The Shining