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Saturday, December 02, 2006 

Suits vs. Suits over 2 suits

Well it has come to this... the suits (no not the players, the real suits, the union reps) have presented a grievance to the suits at the NBA. AP writer Brian Mahoney is reporting that the player's union is charging the NBA with unfair labor practice on two counts:

  • i) the changing of the ball from leather to a synthetic composite
  • ii) the zero tolerance rule / crackdown on strong reactions after whistles

The ball, (I dare not refer to it as the Orange Roundie) is a non-issue as it wins over new players with each passing day, the players are just diappointed at their non-involvement on an issue as significant but it is the new "T" policy that has changed the overall intensity that players are now permitted to express on the court. Added to the increase in technical fouls and the ease in which they are handed out is the fact that the players are fined for each "T" they receive. The $$$ start to add up

"175 unsportsmanlike technicals called
through 225 games this season.
There were 120 through the same number
of games last season, though the number is
on par with the amount from two years ago"

"If it's a technical foul, all right,
penalize the team.
But don't take guys' money
for natural reactions
toward heat of the moment things"

"The players feel they were entitled
to have input on both changes before
they were put into play.
In its release, the union said
the "zero-tolerance policy" was implemented
without any consultation or advanced notice"
AP: B. Mahoney

PS: Maybe Nate wouldn't have tackled the same issues on his blog if he knew this was coming

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