Justifying a top 25 list
Justifying a top 25 list
To truly get the state of the game in the NBA, and any league for that matter, one must look at the number of positions and players in the game. In a game that has five positions, an appropriate list would comprise of five teams of five players for a total of 25
So here are the top five at five diffferent positions:
But what makes the NBA so interesting is that there's a little more to it than that.
Which is why we have a top 5 teams list of:
and the MVP so far:
To truly get the state of the game in the NBA, and any league for that matter, one must look at the number of positions and players in the game. In a game that has five positions, an appropriate list would comprise of five teams of five players for a total of 25
So here are the top five at five diffferent positions:
- Iverson
- Arenas
- Davis
- Nash
- Parker
- Kobe
- Wade
- Redd
- JRich
- Joe Johnson
- Lebron
- T-Mac
- Pierce
- Melo
- Vinsanity
- Brand
- Dirk
- Garnett
- Matrix
- Webber
- Bosh
- Duncan
- J. O'Neal
- Yao
- Shaq
But what makes the NBA so interesting is that there's a little more to it than that.
Which is why we have a top 5 teams list of:
- Pistons
- Spurs
- Mavericks
- Phoenix
- Clippers
and the MVP so far:
King James