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Friday, January 27, 2006 

Pacers can't stay out of headlines as Jermaine O'Neal hears a pop

Just when things looked to be back on track in Indiana with a trade imminent Jermaine looks down at his groin and... "POP! goes the weasel!"

"We sure have had enough bad luck for a year.
I'm really, really concerned. I heard it pop.
Hopefully, I won't need surgery." -- Indiana forward
Jermaine O'Neal,
who may have torn a groin muscle in the fourth quarter
of the Pacers' fourth straight loss, 96-66 at Cleveland on Tuesday night.

"I heard it pop; obviously that's not a good thing,
" O'Neal said. "Right now I'm concerned about that.
If it's a tear, we want it to be a low-grade tear

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