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Tuesday, December 12, 2006 

Does Stern look better in leather?

Well what has become now a category in and of itself for the blogging community is this whole Ball-Gate issue.

Would you change your balls if they hurt your hands? Not necessarily, but you would definitely change the way you handle your balls.

Anyways, sorry about that but as of Jan 1st the commish has decided to bring back the old classic leather ball.

  • is it because of the class-action charges of the union (see last week's attire),

  • or because of the comments on the ball of some of the vets, who wouldn't normally say anything to necessarily "offend" the league?

  • could it be the fact that some of the players are suffering stickyballitis [stik-ee-BAWL-eye'tis (***see bleeding fingertips) i mean if its cutting your fingertips as it spins to a stop/start in and out of your hands that's some pretty agressive grip and gripe.

How many think the commish comes out of this looking like the Emperor saying to his "disciples":


but wait remember there's the Sixers...

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