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Saturday, August 26, 2006 

Blogosphere's post of the week

For this week I would mention as post of the week (yet once again), Henry Abbott's True as he looks at something that has the potential to be quite controversial in his defensive analysis of Carmelo Anthony:

Abbott is becoming renowned for in his "investigative blogging", this time he tests the theory that 'Melo plays poor defense with something other than simply crunching stats, he calls upon the help of Synergy Sports (think of a TiVo-like service for basketball strategists-go here for more C|Net

Before relying on video replays Abbott sugarcoats that what we have seen from Carmelo Anthony during the World's has been an all out effort that could best be described as:

But what it boils down to is:

(Abbott boldly comes to the conclusion) that in the past (playoff games against the Clippers) 'Melo would; often get caught in "no man's land", be out of position on double teams, rarely work his way through picks, never stepping up to challenge on the perimeter

All signs of a lack of effort early in his career but then again as he reminds us and as we look forward to the coming season, maybe that "something" has clicked inside of Carmelo Anthony and he's turned it all around

Leaving us with Hope and the Nugg Doctor

Thanks for the plug rem. I think that my article provides an interesting contrast to what TrueHoop reported, and to what some of his readers said in their comments.

The Nugg Doctor

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