lousy day out and reading Si.com cause everyone is ragging on ESPN and i start to compose a post on how now that the coaching (firing season... coming soon) discussion is no longer "en vogue" the next step is player movement(s)
so they look at the list of candidates:
Marty Burns over at Si.com has his
Market Watch the usual suspects get listed (the ones that were generating all the talk in the last off-season):
# KG (Chicago could probably give the most)
# A.I.
# Jerm
# Pau??? (don't see him going anywhere)
# Magloire (besides covering for an injured player who'd want him?)
# Earl
# Haywood
# Francis ($$$)
# Ben Gordon
# Maggette
# Damon
and lo' n behold... two days later
Mannix looks a little deeper at the KG scenario
But here i am thinking that the Bulls don't want or need a ticket what they really want is an
answer. It works
here at the machine anyways this would be tricky because nobody would ever trade within the conference, would they?
- in the meantime Nels at GMTR has kinda figured out why the Spurs are "back in business" but not because of the usual headliners who has become faithful (.500) from 3pt land) and to think last year he was worried when NVE was in the picture. But let's face it he's 35 years old it would be more than ceremonious if he could keep it up
- Ian at DBB gives props to Zach and mentions that Ben is showing "tha" bling to the Bulls all the while getting quizzed over at the LP (which might be becoming the ET of the NBA Blogosphere)
- stories of FD's (Rocco, this time) encounter with Mo Cheeks got me thinking that Stern is probably looking to pull some kind of "insider" charge to the stats or most material over at their NBA.com empire charging bloggers for info a la ESPN like a miser in a candy store.
- Chris talks about what might be the beginning of the end, what might be the death of NBA blogging as it has just doubled in the last 18 months (actually he's all for it and i don't blame him)
P.S. the moral of the story
is if you hesitate to post
(u kno start something and then draft it
hoping to get back to it later)
it is lost